“Absolutely Brilliant”
“Absolutely Brilliant”
Waterpik® dental water jet is clinically proven to be 93% more effective than dental flossing and reduces gingival bleeding, gingivitis symptoms and removes plaque biofilm. Ideal for patients of all ages, dental professionals in the UK have been finding the results of using a Waterpik® Dental Water Jet outstanding. .
Evelyn Stewart of Battersea Preventive Dental Practice has been impressed with the results. “I thought it was fantastic, the Waterpik® dental water jet is so easy to use and it leaves your mouth feeling so much cleaner and refreshed.” Massaging and stimulating gums, Waterpik® provides gentle, deep cleaning of periodontal pockets even up to 6mm.
Waterpik® dental water jet’s dual pressure controls are ideal for patients with sensitive gums, and its Pik Pocket™ subgingival delivery tips are designed for a range of dental needs.
“I have been recommending this fantastic product to all our patients as it is cost-effective, effortless to use and it is an ideal adjunct to their daily oral health routine.”
For your professional courtesy discount on the Waterpik® Dental Water Jets speak to your wholesaler or visit www.waterpik.co.uk. The product is also widely available in Boots stores.