Educational Grant Award
Educational Grant Award
The UCL Eastman Dental Institute is pleased to congratulate Professor Nikolaos Donos of its Periodontology Unit on his being awarded an educational grant of £150,000 from the International Team for Implantology (ITI).
The award, which was granted by the ITI’s University Programmes Committee, will fund the development of an ITI Centre of Excellence at the Institute.
A new, intermediate level, continuing education course in implant dentistry will created, to be delivered at the Eastman’s Continuing Professional Development facility by internationally renowned faculty members of the Units of Periodontology, Prosthodontics and CPD.
This award recognises the Institute’s status as a world leader in the field of implant dentistry education, and the EDI offers further congratulations to those who assisted Professor Donos in his successful bid. The team included Professor Stephen Porter, Mr. Geoffrey Dunk, Professor Andrew Eder, Ms Anita Graham, Dr. Christos Louca, Mr. Naresh Pindolia and Ms. Karen Widdowson.
UCL Eastman Dental Institute: 020 79151038