A Guide to Dentures
There are lots of reasons why people lose teeth. Sometimes, you can have a tooth knocked out in an accident. In other cases, teeth can simply fall out due to gum disease in old age.
Whatever the reason, dentist will normally recommend that you get your teeth replaced. If you do not replace your teeth, it can lead to a wide range of problems with eating, speech, swallowing, and further wear and tear on your remaining teeth. Normally, your missing teeth can be replaced with dentures.
Currently, there are a variety of denture designs and devices on the dental market. This variety of designs offers dentists the flexibility to tackle any situation, allowing them to fit and attach dentures in different ways, according to the circumstances. However, it is fair to say that, from the point of view of patients, there is really only one important consideration: will your dentures be fixed or removable?
Whether you need to replace one tooth or a full set of gnashers, your dentures can be either fixed or removable. Modern dentistry techniques mean that fixed dentures, such as crowns, bridges and implants, are far more widely available. However, they are still expensive compared to removable dentures. Of course, for many people, the extra cost is worth it, as fixed dentures can make a significant different to their quality of everyday life.
Dentures have a number of benefits. Firstly, and most obviously, they mean that you can smile and talk with confidence, knowing that people are not distracted by your teeth (or the lack of them). Secondly, you do not have to worry about what sorts of foods you can and cannot eat. Finally, once you are used to your dentures, everyday actions such as chewing, talking and swallowing will be fine. Your dentures may feel alien initially (especially if you have a full set), but you’ll soon get used to them.
There is no set procedure for fitting dentures as there are different types. Each case is a unique challenge for the dentist. In a straightforward case, it could be that the dentist can simply take a mould of your gums using putty and have the dentures prepared in a laboratory. In other case, more preparatory work may be required – for example, you may need teeth extracted or repaired next to where the dentures need to be fitted. Your dentist will create a programme of treatment designed to suit your needs.
One of the most important issues surrounding dentures – especially removable dentures – is comfort. Comfort is one of the reasons why some people choose fixed dentures. As you grow older, it is not unusual for your gums to recede and your bite to change slightly. This means that removable dentures will not fit as well as when they were first designed, so they may need to be replaced.
The other issue surrounding dentures is how to look after them. A common problems for people who wear removable dentures is that they often find that food becomes trapped under their dentures. This is not only bad for your oral hygiene, it is also an irritant that leads many people to avoid certain types of foods. One option is certainly to use a paste which can help to hold your dentures in place during the day. As time goes on, many people find that they need something to secure their dentures anyway, as the fit becomes looser.
Dentists also recommend that you remove and clean your dentures every night. This allows your gums to recuperate and lets the saliva do its job of breaking down bacteria in your mouth. You should brush your dentures and soak them in water during the night and you should always brush your dentures before replacing them in your mouth.
If you look after your dentures properly, they should remain in good shape for at least ten years. If they do start to become stained and brushing will not remove those stains, your dentist can give your dentures a high quality clean.