A Guide to InVu braces
If you believe what you read on the internet (not on here, obviously!), you’ll know that orthodontics are the next big thing. Everyone is getting into orthodontics, from Tom Cruise to Prince Harry. Braces are really, really big.
Except, braces aren’t big. Not anymore. They used to be like great, oversized train tracks that ran right across your teeth. But things have changed and that’s why the great and good, the famous and not-so-famous, are all getting their teeth done. Finally, after years of kids being bullied in schools all over the UK, braces are cool.
The problem now is what sort of braces are right for you. In the past, you had no choice, you just got what you were given and told to keep your mouth shut. Nowadays, there are all sorts of different products on the market. Heard of the Damon System – it’s big in Hollywood! What about Invisalign – isn’t that what the stars wear? And what about white ceramic brackets – are they really so clear you can see the food caught in them?
So let’s begin with white ceramics here. One of the most successful products on the market is called InVu braces.
Tell me more about InVu Braces then?
InVu braces operate along the same lines as conventional braces, but they are designed and built using the very latest technology. Therefore, they are both more effective and better looking.
OK. How are they more effective?
The ceramic materials that they are made from are less likely to break or splinter and less likely to damage your mouth than other types of braces. Because they are very accurate in exerting tooth pressure in the right places, they also work faster than conventional braces – and lots of modern braces too. Most people see results in 12-18 months.
Fair enough. And how are they better looking?
First of all, as we mentioned above, the brackets are made from white ceramics so they are barely noticeable against your teeth. If you want a comparison with how conventional braces look, think old black fillings against new white ones. The difference is that clear.
InVu braces also use tooth coloured elastics to attach to the archwires. This also helps to make the braces less visible and more discrete – which in turn means that you can be more confident while wearing them.
Sounds good so far. What are the downsides?
To be quite honest, there are not many disadvantages – with braces, it is usually more a case of what you prefer, what you can afford and what is right for you, rather than which are good and which are bad. Most of the products on the market today are good – it just depends whether you are using them in the right way to get the maximum benefit.
For example, InVu braces appeal to many people because they combine good aesthetics without sacrificing on effectiveness. They maintain the conventional bracket and wire design, so they move teeth just as fast and just as effectively as metal brackets. Therefore, they can be used to correct even quite serious orthodontic conditions. At the end of the day, all a bracket really is is a tool, and what matters most is the skill of your orthodontist.
Come on, though, there must be some disadvantages?
The only downside to Invu braces that some patients raise are that the tooth coloured wires do not always remain tooth-coloured. The white wires are usually conventional metal wires with a teflon coating. Sometimes, this coating can become chipped and when this happens, they often look a lot worse than standard metal braces. Similarly, the wires can also get stained by food and drink.
If the aesthetics of your braces is very important to you, it is worth consulting your dentist further to find the brand which are absolutely right for you. Issues such as diet and lifestyle will help to determine whether you need a compromise between braces that are discrete yet likely to stain, or braces that are less discrete but less likely to deteriorate over time. There are plenty of products on the market, so it is simply a case of finding the one that is right for you.
What about the treatment? Is it painful?
Because the design of Invu braces is very similar to conventional braces, people expect them to be just as uncomfortable as the big metal dinosaurs that people used to wear. However, to think that is to ignore some fundamental and innovative tweaks that have been made to the design.
The first one seems like commonsense but the technology that makes it possible is sophisticated. InVu ceramic brackets are designed using very accurate technology so that they both work hard on your teeth but also provide optimum levels of comfort. In fact, the injection moulding process eliminates rough edges and makes braces much smoother.
During treatment, it is also important to remember that you need to look after your braces and look after your teeth. The better care you take of your braces, the less likely you are to damage them and extend your treatment. After all, as good as some of the new products are, you don’t want to have to wear your braces any longer than absolutely necessary.
Are they worth the cost?
How much are your smile, confidence and self-assurance are worth? Can you even put a value on those things? Orthodontic work certainly makes a phenomenal difference to many people and improves their health and lifestyle in so many ways: everything from breathing to chewing, from socialising to working life can be affected.
At the same time, orthodontic work can be expensive. For InVu braces, you can expect to pay upwards of £2000 – maybe much more depending on the complexity and extent of the work – and in the current market that is certainly a competitively priced treatment. In the end, only the patient can really decide whether it is worth it. The best place to start is with a full dental consultation, so that before you decide anything you’ve got all the expert advice, explanations and information you need.