British Dental Recuitment

Address: London

Phone: 08442250070


We connect people: With a global network of contacts, BDR works at a local, national and international level to connect our dental clients with top talent and our candidates with their dream role. We offer a joined-up service across the whole of our business to ensure every avenue is explored and every solution a market-leader. We communicate with people: We make it a priority to fully understand our clients’ dental organisations and business issues and our candidates’ skills and career aspirations; all with a view to ensuring the right fit, not the immediate fit. Whether we are working with a large organisation or a small niche practice, our service is second to none. We support people: Our involvement with the recruitment process doesn’t start and finish with securing top talent. We give advice and support at every stage of the employment lifecycle, from improving employee performance to developing future leaders, consistently adding value and increasing productivity.